Over - Under Spiel

Thanks to all who joined us in September 2024 - The information below pertains to the 2024 Over-Under

The goal of the Over - Under Spiel is to encourage people newer to curling to go bonspieling and face opponents with similar levels of experience. Each team must contain at least two members each with five years or fewer of curling experience, and can have up to two members over five years of experience each.

Whether this will be your first bonspiel, you want to gain experience with your 5 & under team, or you want to encourage some members of your club to travel to their first event, we hope you'll give this social, relaxed, but still competitive bonspiel a shot!

  • 24 teams with event running from Friday morning through Sunday
  • 3-game guarantee
  • Cost: $480 per team entry
  • First draw: 800 AM on Friday. Last draw: 11 AM on Sunday.
  • Lunch and Dinner provided at club
  • Breakfast at host hotel
  • Draw snacks, desserts, and other snacks available throughout the event
  • All draws will be live streamed to YouTube

Any team with 3 or more Triangle Curling Club members is considered a Triangle team, not an out-of-town team. If this applies to you, do not register on the website, but instead follow the instructions below.

Instructions for Triangle teams:


Triangle Curling Center - 2310 So Hi Drive, Durham, NC 27703


Courtyard Raleigh-Durham Airport/Brier Creek for 129 USD - 134 USD per night
Booking link -- Last Day to Book: Thursday, August 29, 2024

If you would like to book a room for dates outside of the designated hotel block dates please call the hotel directly and mention Triangle Curling Club block when booking.

Payment and Cancellation Policy

Payment is required upon registration. 

Cancellations before September 1st will receive a full refund. Beginning September 2nd, you will receive a full refund only if we are able to find a replacement team. Cancellations after September 14th will receive no refund.



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Q: What if I have 3 "unders"? What about 4?
A: That's fine! No more than 2 "overs" per team.

Q: What about the alternate?
A: As long as the fielded team complies with the rules, you're fine.

Q: What if I have a team of three? Can we have 2 "overs" and 1 "under"?
A: No. Your team must have at least 2 "unders".

Q: My "under" had to back out at the last minute. Can I sub an "over" in their place?
A: Only so long as the team that is actually fielded complies with the team composition rules.

Q: Can I form at team with Niklas Edin, Oskar Eriksson, and two 5th-year curlers?
A: You're kinda missing the spirit of the event, but yes, bring it on ;)

Q: I like rules. Can you formally state the team composition rule?
A: At any point during any game, there must be at least 2 players on each team with 5 or fewer years of curling experience. Any game played with a team in violation of this rule will be forfeited by the offending team. The number of years of experience is calculated in the same manner as the GNCC 5-and-under events, which is explained by Rule 7 in the GNCC 5yr and Under Rules. Furthermore, a curler who has played in five Over-Under Bonspiels is automatically considered to be an "over" in future Over-Under Bonspiels. Triangle Curling reserves the right to investigate eligibility from any participant's home club.

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Contact Us

Triangle Curling

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Mailing Address

P.O. Box 14628
Durham, NC 27709


2310 So Hi Drive
Durham, NC 27703 

Why don't we have a phone number?



Interested in Curling?

Give curling a try! We're always happy to welcome new curlers onto the ice. Please view our League Description page and make sure to sign-up for our Learn-to-Curl sessions. For more information or email us with your questions. Good Curling!

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