Rock'em Sock'em One-Day Bonspiel

The information below pertains to the 2024 event. This page will be updated when the new details are available.

When: Saturday, April 26, 2025 - 9:00AM to 7:00PM

Cost: $30 members, $45 non-members (You must be logged into your member account in order to receive the member price)

Who: Open to members and non members. Prior curling experience (Learn to Curl, Pickup and Pizza or Lunch and Learn) is necessary. There will be no instruction. You may sign up with a friend, but teams will be mixed to ensure no team full of veteran curlers.

What: Two-game bonspiel - wear your craziest socks!

Food: Lunch will be served between games, draw snacks throughout

Rules: One-day spiel where the two teams who win both of their games will have a Utica shootout to determine the champion.
Hammer will be decided by Rock'em Sock'em bout by the leads.

Bonspiel Chair: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Triangle Curling

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Mailing Address

P.O. Box 14628
Durham, NC 27709


2310 So Hi Drive
Durham, NC 27703 

Why don't we have a phone number?



Interested in Curling?

Give curling a try! We're always happy to welcome new curlers onto the ice. Please view our League Description page and make sure to sign-up for our Learn-to-Curl sessions. For more information or email us with your questions. Good Curling!

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