Pick Up or Try Curling: Tuesday Mornings

Drop in / pick up curling for members or new curlers.  We can teach a limited number of new curlers during this session. 

What to wear:  Dress in layers.  It's about 40F on the ice.  Hats and gloves are appropriate if normally worn outside.  Pants that allow easy movement are recommended.  You will be required to stretch and get into positions that may be difficult in tight pants/jeans.  No raised heels.  No open toes.  Running/training shoes work best.


Event Properties

Event Date 11-28-2023 9:45 am
Event End Date 11-28-2023 12:00 pm
Capacity 8
Registered 0
Available place 8
Individual Price $15.00
Location Triangle Curling Club

We are no longer accepting registrations for this event